I know it sounds crazy, but I LOVE SCHOOL! I am so sad to say goodbye to my school, my teacher and my friends (even though I will see my friends at school in two months). I can't believe I am going to sixth grade. I'M SCARED!

Here is me and my "big brother", Chad. He is so awesome. He is hysterical! p.s. he is also 5 foot 9. WOW.

This is my friend, Cooper. He was in my Kindergarten class. He is so cool.

This is my friend, Delaney. She was actually the first new friend I met in my class this year.

Mollee is a great friend. And totally smart. She was awarded 3 awards for being a smarty. I can't fit any more pictures on here, but I love you, friends!!!
p.s. I got a cool award for "most educational growth". Hoorray!
The end.